The Walsh Diet V9

Hello and welcome to my video presentation. I am Dr. William Emmett Walsh, MD, allergist, immunologist and author of How I Recovered From Dementia, my 7th book about our diet and the diseases it causes or worsens.

Today, I will discuss the foods and beverages that cause so many of the diseases we suffer. I will also begin to describe my diet, a diet that has successfully reversed my dementia and returned much of my mental clarity.

Before starting, I will point out that, as a medical doctor, I treated food sensitive patients for 40 years. I write and speak to you as a doctor through my book and videos because of this experience. I speak to you as if you came to my medical office to learn about how our diet causes our diseases. In addition to my suggestions, involve your medical professionals and follow their advice, especially in determining your diagnosis and planning your treatment.

Now, to review the poisons that I have already discussed and that we know are in our diet. They cause or worsen many diseases of the body, and I already mind. I will start with the refined sugar, fructose. We know that following the Mediterranean diet is healthy because it discourages our consumption of excess fructose. Fructose avoidance helps us fight off obesity and the diseases it promotes, including strokes, heart attacks and diabetes. Fat-promoting fructose is a poison.

If taken in excess, the amino acid, MSG, is a poison. We know it speeds the onset of dementia, and I found that it is a major cause of my patients’ migraine headaches. It might also cause atrial and ventricular tachycardias and other diseases of nerve overstimulation. I found the citrus acid group of acids the leading cause of the acid burn of the skin called eczema or atopic dermatitis. It also is one of the major reasons for dementia.

The fourth and last known poison is the sugar, galactose, that researchers use to age laboratory animals. It helped MSG force my progression from Alzheimer’s dementia to Parkinson’s dementia and then to cerebral palsy.

These chemicals are standard in the body and belong there. They are essential for life; poisonous only when taken at more than tolerance, and we know the dangers in these food chemicals. Unfortunately, I know other food and vegetable poisons that I must avoid, although I do not know their identity. I found them by watching for symptoms I suffer when I eat certain foods or drinks.

When I stray from the diet, the symptoms that affect me include restless sleep, poor walking balance, and the body stiffness of Parkinson’s disease. Also, uncoordinated swallowing of liquids (going down the wrong passage) and a complete shut down of my gastrointestinal tract (constipation and absence of bowel cramps and sounds). These symptoms alert me to the foods and beverages that hide these poisons. My bathroom scale also helps me. I use it daily and suggest you do the same. If my weight starts to climb, I know the food I am eating or drinking contains a poison I have not yet identified. I want to find these poisons before their damage to my brain and my life are too far advanced.

Farmers or food manufacturers introduced excessive amounts of fructose, MSG, galactose, and the citrus acids into our foods and beverages because they taste good. Nature placed the unknown poisons in vegetable plants to defend them from being eaten by mold, insects, and animals. The toxins in the vegetables protect them from being eaten. Not a perfect defense but pretty good

I discussed the poisons in vegetables in previous videos but they are so troubling and not generally known that I will discuss them here again. Vegetables grow in the soil and must have the ability to protect themselves from microorganisms there. Without the poisons made by the plant, mold, insects, and animals would destroy the plants. Maybe many food plants sprout without these defenses, but they must all be eaten and destroyed: Plants that cannot defend themselves are not in our diet because they do not survive.

What happens when we eat these plants? We also eat their poisons. How does nature defend our brains from the plant’s load of poison? By the blood-brain barrier that prevents them from freely entering our brains. What happens as we grow older and the blood-brain barrier deteriorates and lets the poisons into the brain to damage and kill the brain’s nerve cells? The dementias happen.

I cannot prove that the information I just gave you is correct. But I think it is exactly right. Knowing this scenario should help you understand dementia, as it helped me. It guides us as we recover from these diseases. We should avoid the plants that contain these poisons or learn how to cook them out of our foods; if you can’t cook them away, you can avoid them.

I have experimented with many vegetables, including lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, etc. All have activated the restless sleep, uncoordinated swallowing, stiff and poorly balanced walking, and impaired thinking my diet brought on by cheating. With beans, I try especially hard to eliminate all poisons by boiling them for an hour, draining them, freezing them to break up any remaining internal structure, and then re-boiling them in fat-containing water. I then strain them through a wire mesh and freeze them for future use. They are well cooked and should be free of poisons. Unfortunately, and unbelievably, they still activate my dementia symptoms. The symptoms have decreased by my preparation, so I can include them in my breakfast every other day.

I cannot suggest vegetables–beyond the beans prepared as above–in the diet of those with severe dementia. I regret this suggestion because a healthy diet should include vegetables, and they are a prominent feature of healthy diets. People less affected by dementia should include vegetables in their diet. Consider not eating them if you participate in a stressful event such as a test where you must be alert and your thinking and memory tip top. If so, skip the vegetables. When the symptoms reach the severe stage of dementia, as mine have, use beans as I described. I will be testing other ways to prepare vegetables and will be letting you know.

Let me restate four beliefs:

  1. The failing blood-brain barrier allows brain killing poisons into the brain.
  2. That we cannot stop this blood-brain barrier destruction as we age.
  3. That when we reach a severe stage of dementia, we should avoid eating vegetables. (only well-cooked beans for me).
  4. That we desperately need a way to patch up the damaged blood-brain barrier. (good luck on this last one).

I will continue to search for a way to include vegetables in the diet of those who have severe dementia. Watch for my future books and videos on Thank you for coming to this video. I invite you to return to the next video as I finish my description of my diet.